As the world continues to change, so must our approach to SEM (search-engine marketing). We can no longer expect that last year’s strategies will bring us the same results in 2017. Yes, more and more people are turning to the Internet for their goods & services. And yes, most of these search queries are coming from mobile phones.
But really, your success boils down to your own strategy and the action-plan you devise based on the sea of information that exists around you. Not just the information itself.
So how can you update your search-marketing strategy to succeed in 2017?
Google Analytics.
Google Analytics is a free web-analytics system offered by Google which reports & analyzes website traffic. It allows you to track views to your website pages, landing-page visits, bounce rates, conversion rates, source of your page-views, among many other relevant features. It’s been reported as hugely successful by millions of businesses and individuals, and will likely generate many more users this coming year.
Even more interesting is how Analytics can help you devise an actionable plan for success, giving you the insight you need to develop a sound, fact-based strategy. And with all the shifting trends in digital marketing, it’s really worth looking into the ‘numbers’ of things.
In last week’s webinar 7 Proven Search-Marketing Tips for 2017, we added a bonus feature about Google Analytics, and how NetElixir devised a strategy which increased our clients’ revenue based off GA-backed statistics.
Basically, we identified revenue-producing opportunities by mining for search items which returned ‘no results” on our clients’ websites. We did this by customizing our clients’ Google Tag Manager (another great Analytical tool) to capture these results, then entered this information into Analytics.
Based on this GA data, we were able to advise our clients of the top products which yielded to ‘no results’ and subsequently, helped them persuade manufacturers to sell these products on their websites.
So, apart from the rather straight GA data: the landing-page visits, the page-views, the source-medium figures, there is the potential to draw many more insightful conclusions that can and do objectively generate more business revenue in the long run. It’s just a matter of understanding the information that is presented to you, and NetElixir can help you accomplish just that.