Inbound Link Checker

inbound links, how do I boost my site's ranking

Our Inbound Link Checker Tool is an SEO tool that can help you to check the backlink profile of any website and identify potential link building opportunities. Our tool also evaluates your own website.

What are Inbound links?

Inbound links are hyperlinks back to your website or pages from your site (think blog articles or product pages) that appear in other websites. Search engines rank sites with a variety of higher quality backlinks better than those without or with poor quality links in the search engine results page.

Check your Inbound Links

Our tool will give you a brief summary on the number of backlinks, referring domains, and NoFollow links, as well as indexed pages in Google. But first, let’s explore what those mean:

  • Backlinks – another word for Inbound Links and simply put, they are hyperlinks that point from one website to another. 
  • Referring Domains – the host site to which a hyperlink originates from.
    • If you get a backlink from Forbes, for example, then is your referring domain.
  • NoFollow links – links tagged with a rel=”nofollow” HTML tag, which tells search engines to ignore that link so it will not impact your ranking. 
    • Examples of NoFollow links are spam blog comments, some links in social media posts, links from user generated content like forum posts, and sites like Quora, Wikipedia, Reddit, and Twitch make their outbound links NoFollow automatically.
    • Spam comments: think of someone commenting Click here to lose weight in one of your blog posts. That link should be tagged NoFollow so Google and other search engines don’t discredit your site for another’s spam posting.
    • For reference, read more here.

Our Inbound Link Checker breaks down each of these types of links so you know where your content is living and how it is being used. We will review your off-page SEO and summarize your indexed pages in Google.

Analyze your inbound links now to boost your site’s ranking:

How do I check my inbound links? What are inbound links?

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Inbound Link Checker

Written by Shannon Kelly, Digital Marketing Coordinator


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