Amazon Product Listing Grader

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Our Amazon Product Listing Grader helps you find out how well your products are listed on Amazon.

Listing information on Amazon

Listing your product on Amazon involves detailing the specifics of your product that make it stand out from other similar products.. If you have multiple variants of the same product simultaneously selling on Amazon, then make a unique list for each version of your product.

What Should You include in an Amazon Listing?

You want your product to stand out from your competitors. Customers should know all the benefits they get from choosing your product over others. 

Specifically, though, your listing should include:

  • Product title – Amazon allows up to 200 characters to describe your product. Be sure to include the keyword used to find your product, as well as the essential elements such as brand, product name, model number, color, size, and other product-identifying features.
  • Images – showcase your product through a variety of images (around five is recommended). Be sure to include pictures that help show the size of your product, as well as the product in use. Videos can be included if appropriate.
  • Bullet points – highlight the best features of your product in short snippets. Be sure to use as many secondary keywords related to your product as possible, as this helps searchers find your product. Because of the placement of this section (above the fold of the screen and close to the images and ‘Add to Cart’ Button), it is a crucial part to getting your customer’s attention. 
  • Description – a follow up to your bullet points. Repeat your keywords. Think about what else a potential customer would want to know and add that additional information here.
  • Reviews and Ratings – while you don’t have control over this feature, it is important to note what people are saying about your product. Positive reviews will encourage other shoppers to buy, while negative reviews can help you see where you need to improve.

You can continually improve your listing pages with the help of our Amazon Product Listing Grader.

How Does the Amazon Product Listing Grader Work?

Our tool scores how well your product listings are performing. The tool generates a score for each parameter of your listing (and each product you have in your Amazon product feed), such as title, description, features, images, reviews, and rating. This will help you improve under-performing listings so that shoppers can find your product more easily, thus generating more sales. 

Our tool can check the score of your listing even before you upload your feed to Amazon and will let you know if your listed product feed will be accepted or rejected.

With good products and listing of those products, you can boost your organic traffic to your Amazon page, thus increasing your sales.

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Optimize your product feed on Amazon!

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Written by Shannon Kelly, Digital Marketing Coordinator

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