Competitor Analysis Tool

competitor analysis and competitor website analysis tool

For every business, it is essential to be at least on par with your competitors – if not outperform them. LXRMarketplace’s Competitor Analysis Tool provides critical information on competitors’ website data in terms of usability, search phrase density, and heading. 

Website Competitor Analysis

The Competitor Analysis Tool is easy to operate. All you would need to do is:

  1. Write the full URL of your website 
  2. Write the full URL of your competitor website (you can evaluate for a maximum of 2 competitors)
  3. Press ‘Analyze’ button

You can get information pertaining to competitors for the following factors:


This is one of the telltale evaluation criteria. Usability refers to the way a user perceives the website in the terms of its interface, functionality, and user friendliness. The Competitor Analysis tool provides information on page speed, frames, and existence of flash content which have a direct impact on UI/UX


The tool also provides you information on the document structure and headings of your website vis-a-vis its competitors. The headings are an important area which grabs user attention as this is precisely the area users check when skimming a site for its relevance to their query. Even before they make a conscious call to read a paragraph, it is the headings that they look for. Thus, the headings have to be appealing as well as meet the standards of SEO. The Competitor Analysis tool fetches the heading from your own and competitor’s websites to help you compare.

Search Phrase Density

Keywords are an important influencer to your website’s rankings. The tool detects occurrence of the keywords in important areas of the website like the title tag, meta description, alt tags, body text, and internal links. This can easily help you pinpoint whether there’s an area which is under-optimized or over-optimized for that matter and take appropriate measures thereof. 

Improving your Website

Needless to say, the tool makes it easier to detect your site’s positioning with respect to competitors. It is handy in detecting any gaps or errors your own website may have. At times it so happens that your designer may code some part of the content in frames as it is aesthetically pleasing. Having said that, Search Engines find it difficult to crawl this and hence an important part of the content may not fall under their purview. The tool helps you detect such occurrences instantaneously. 

Also, over-optimization of keywords attracts unnecessary penalties from Search Engines. The moment you detect your Title or Description is over-optimized, you may just streamline it to make it keyword rich as well as natural. 

The tool is also an effective medium to monitor competitor tweaks in their own websites. For example, if they include an interesting facet in their home page which could entice searchers to engage more with the site, you may want to adopt a quick strategy and make appropriate changes in your home page. Don’t fall behind your competitors. 

Competitor Analysis Tool

Get your competitor website analysis tool today so you can stand out from the rest.

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Written by Antara Chaudhuri. Edited & Published by Shannon Kelly.

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