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The Competitor Analysis tool is designed to provide a breakdown of your website's On page elements against your competitors based on various SEO metrics. The tool will provide an SEO comparison report that includes an analysis of how well you are competing against your competitors for the indicated keyword and help you identify on page optimization areas and the key factors that can help you improve webpage rankings in organic search results.
Compares SEO-related data for your webpage against your competitors for a variety of metrics including page size, link popularity, headings and more.
Helps to identify which key SEO factors are directly affecting your organic rank such as page size, link count, text/html ratio and flash usage.
Provides recommendations for improving the On page Optimization of your site versus your competitor's based on specific comparisons of various SEO factors.
Compares keyword density of your webpage against your competitor's including factors such as title tags, body text and link text.
Analyzes your webpage's keyword density of your website to check whether your webpage is at risk of being considered spam by search engines.
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