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{{$index + 1}}. {{amazonProductErrorInfo}}

Following are the Product id's which are repeated more than one time :Following are the URLs which are repeated more than one time :

{{key}} {{value}}


Listing Score



PRODUCT ID: {{amazonProductInfo.skuId}}Product Id Not Found {{amazonProductInfo.url.split("&")[0]}}

Details & Recommendations

Product Title{{amazonProductInfo.titleScore}}/100
Title LengthRecommendedImprovements Tips
{{amazonProductInfo.title.length}} 0 190-210 You have an optimized Title Length. Try to include more product related keywords that you are targeting and you will see more qualified traffic to your listing! Make your Title Length optimized. Try to include only product related keywords that you are targeting and you will see more qualified traffic to your listing! You’re just getting started. You can add more details to the Title to increase it to optimized length. Try to include more product related keywords that you are targeting and you will see more qualified traffic to your listing!
Product Description {{amazonProductInfo.descriptionScore}}/100
Description LengthRecommendedImprovements Tips
{{amazonProductInfo.description.length}} 0 1900-2100 You have optimized Description length. Improve your searchability in the Amazon by including more product related keywords. This will help your customers understand about the product. You may see increased impressions and conversion rate if you let Amazon and your customers know more about your product. Make your Description length optimized. Improve your searchability in the Amazon by including only product related keywords. This will help your customers understand about the product. You may see increased impressions and conversion rate if you let Amazon and your customers know more about your product You’re just getting started. Improve your searchability in the Amazon by including more text in Product Description as per recommended length. Additionally, this will help your customers understand about the product. You may see increased impressions and conversion rate if you let Amazon and your customers know more about your product.
Product Features{{amazonProductInfo.featuresScore}}/100
Total FeaturesRecommendedImprovements Tips
{{amazonProductInfo.features}}5 & aboveYou have optimized number of features. Try to include better keywords that are likely to bring organic search results.Include as much detail as possible in separate bullet points that provide clarity about the Product features. Make sure to include your main keywords to improve your chances of ranking for the relevant search queries.
Product Images{{amazonProductInfo.imageCountScore}}/100
Total Images / VideosRecommendedImprovements Tips
{{amazonProductInfo.imagesCount}}+Video(s){{amazonProductInfo.imagesCount}}8+video(s)You have good number of images and product video.Take the full advantage of one of the most important aspects of your product listing. You can add more images of your product from different views and possibly a video that helps customers understand the product better.
Product Ratings{{amazonProductInfo.ratingScore}}/100
Current RatingsRecommendedImprovements Tips
{{amazonProductInfo.rating}}4.5 & aboveRatings can add confidence about the product to the potential customers. Encourage your customers to provide their ratings.Ratings can add confidence about the product to the potential customers. Encourage your customers to provide their ratings. If possible get the negative ratings removed.
Product Reviews{{amazonProductInfo.reviewsScore}}/100
Total ReviewsRecommendedImprovements Tips
{{}}300 & above Reviews will improve your organic search rankings. Encourage your customers to provide reviews. Address all the negative reviews and complaints with proper response.Reviews will improve your organic search rankings. Encourage your customers to provide reviews. Address all the negative reviews and complaints with proper response.

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